The Legend of Baek Pasun, the endeared mother of Arita-yaki Along with Yi Sam-pyeong, the famous father of Arita-yaki, there was a woman in the same time of the history.
In late 1500s, a woman migrated from Chosun(nowadays Korea), taught several hundreds of potters in Kyushu and greatly contributed to the foundation of Arita-yaki. Yet people had forgotten and her story was lost in the long history. No historical source mentions any of her; even her real name is unclear.
The legendary woman in the deep mysteries. A warm-hearted woman who had a long life.
With great respect and love, her descendants call her “Baek Pasun”.

Ningbo, a beautiful port city in the south of Shanghai, China.Known as the old Japanese village in the Chinese continent from the Nara period.On April 13th 1592, Hideyoshi invaded Pusan, Korea with 18,000 soldiers of Konishi Yukinaga under the flag of “Kadounyumin”; the campaign that aimed to occupy Ningbo as the final destination of his life and to conquer Ming dynasty of China.
He also conscripted 22,000 soldiers of Nabeshima Naoshige and Kato Kiyomasa from areas including Arita and left for Gyeongju, Korea. About 158,000 soldiers landed in Korean peninsular. Almost all the cities and farm villages including Kyong-sung(nowadays, Seoul) in Korean peninsular were burned and destroyed. It was the first Japanese invasion of Korea, “Bunrokunoeki”.
According to the Japanese historical record on “Yoshino Jingozaemon Oboegaki”, they slashed, butchered, killed all the men, women, dogs and cats, as in the bloody festival of the god of war. Riding the wave of the history, many Koreans were sacrificed also many Japanese soldiers died in the war.
Baek Pasun barely survived the Bunrokunoeki war; with her husband Song-jun she crossed the sea of Genkai and arrived in the foreign land, Takeo.
In 1616, Yi Sam-pyeong discovered kaolin deposits in Izumiyama of Arita.
In 1618, Baek Pasun lost her husband and became a widow.
In 1630, she moved to Arita with her family at the age of 70, about ten years from her loss of her husband.
Chosun envoys had resumed and several Koreans returned to home country. She, however, did not return. She remained in Arita as the leader of potters and devoted to the production Arita-yaki until her death at the age of 96 in 1656, and was praised as the endeared mother of Arita.
This year, 2016, is the 360th year from her death. Up until now, she had not been mentioned for her achievements. In the 400th anniversary year of Arita ceramic foundation, we want to remember her as a woman who lived in Arita surviving through the turmoil of the history. To praise her soul and deepen the Japan and Korea relationship that she had founded, Gallery Baek Pasun and 日韓友好の館~百婆仙~ (正式の英語名を入れてください)were established in February 2016.


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